Hello, This is a the beginning of the series of topics on Embedded Systems it gives information and understanding on what are they with few examples,it describes the readers about their parts how each part are functioning and how are they put together to make a complete system for a working application.
Embedded Systems |
An Embedded System primarily was meant for a device which was designed
for performing a particular task (over 20 years ago - ex. Printer, electronic
Calculator) later its definition was changed to a Computing System designed
to perform a series of tasks meant to execute a particular Application (ex.
Polaroid digital camera). Like-wise the definition of Embedded System has
expanded to a widest spectrum and it can be now said that it is a high-speed
processing /computing system designed for a set of Applications (ex.
a smart phone). It is for the readers to identify what are the functional
differences between a printer, a ‘polarid’ digital camera and a smart phone.
What does an Embedded System commonly consists of..?? The answer is a
micro-controller/ microprocessor connected with Input and Output devices.
Some examples for embedded system s are shown below
1. Embedded Systems
2. Input and Outputs
3. Interrupts and Pooling
4. ADC (Example)
5. Timer (Example)
6. Counter (Example)
7. Serial Communication & Parallel Communication
9. SPI
10. I2C
11. CAN
13. Interrupt example using UART
15. Microcontroller Interface with LCD
16. Microcontroller Interface with Switches
17. Microcontroller Interface with DC Motor
18. Microcontroller Interface with Relay
19. Microcontroller Interface with ADC
20.Microcontroller Interface with DAC
21.Microcontroller Interface with RTC
22.Microcontroller Interface with Humidity Sensor
23.Microcontroller Interface with Pressure Sensor
24.Microcontroller Interface with IR Sensor
25. AVR Interface with Ultrasonic Sensor
26. AVR Interface with RF Module
27. AVR Interface with Serial Communication
28. AVR Interface with LCD
29. AVR Interface with
30. AVR Interface with DTMF
31. AVR Interface with GPS
32. AVR Interface with GSM
33. Embedded System Design Issues
35. Assembler, Compiler, Linker, Loader, Debugger
36. Problems and Test coverage tools
37. Interrupt Handling
38. Host & Target Development Environment