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Continental interview questions

Continental embedded interview 

position Senior Embedded engineer position: 
Introduction to embedded systems
What is an embedded system?
What is a microcontroller?
How to develop embedded software?
RTOS general overview: scheduler, inter task communication, interupts                                                                 
Introducing to microcontroller architecture & perphiperals
CPU (Central Processing Unit), Registers, Flags
The external interface
Reset requirements
Clock frequency and performance , Prescaler, PLL
Memory issues (RAM, ROM, Stack etc.)
Digital Input / Output; Physical and logical level of the signals
Timers (including Input Capture, Output Compare, Watchdog timer)
Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog conversions.
Interrupts (types, usage, arbitration, masking)
Buses (data, address),  Addressing space, Address / Data multiplexing
Serial Interfaces (CAN, I2C, SPI etc.)
Power consumption
Simulators/ Emulators
Measurement with Oscilloscopes
