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Line Following Obstacle Avoiding Maze solving Robot part4

Line Following Obstacle Avoiding Maze solving Robot part 4

The physics which govern reflection of visible and infrared light are the same. IR LED’s are easily available, and so are the sensors to detect IR radiation. Unless shielded properly, ambient radiation may affect these readings. You can “smooth” the data after receiving, but proper placement and shielding of
sensors will go a long way to help get accurate readings off the track. You’ve two options now, to purchase a manufactured IR sensor module, or to build one yourself. A manufactured one has many benefits, like less susceptibility to noise and easy tuning and integration. The biggest disadvantage of a manufactured module is…it is not configurable. Exactly the opposite is true for a DIY module. If you’re only just starting out, it will probably save you quite a bit of trouble if you purchase one, but it does have its limitations. Read this full section out before you make a decision. Sensor modules in this sense refers to a circuit which can sense reflected light and convert it into quantity which can be interpreted by a microcontroller…voltage. We call it modules, because sometimes more than one sensor pair is integrated, forming an array of Sensors.

IR Sensor detection in black color:

When IR read black color the output goes low hence the LEG will not glow and both motor moves forward. When IR read white color the output goes high hence the LED will glow and  the motor moves reverse and forward  This Robot follows a black maze by sensing the environment using IR sensors. It is programmed to follow the line perfectly with both the motors rotating in forward direction. Any deviations from the line will adjust the motor accordingly to ensure it follows the right path again. Two sensors are used for tracing the black line, and the left most, right most sensor are used for taking decision on junctions. The basic principle applied for following the line is the amount of reflection variation caused by white and black surfaces. It differentiates depending on the amount of reflection and follows the correct path.

IR sensors detection white color:

Interfacing IR senor to Arduino board:
Sensor digital pin 8 and 9

Sharp GP2D12 Analog Distance Sensor


Supply Voltage :5.0
Operating Temperature : -10 - +60 °C
Distance Measuring Range † 10 - 80 cm
Output Terminal Voltage (L=80 cm) 0.25 0.4 0.55 V
 Output change at L=80 cm to 10 cm 1.75 2.0 2.25 V

Connecting and Testing:

Connect the GP2D12 to your analog to digital converter as shown in the circuit on the previous page.
The potentiometer connected to the Vref pin on the ADC0831 is being used as a voltage divider to set the
reference voltage to 2.55 volts. On the ADC0831 this will give a value of 0 to 255 for an input voltage of
0 to 2.55 volts. This gives us a resolution of 0.01 volts per step from the ADC. If you are using a
different analog to digital converter, you may want to adjust the potentiometer to get the best results
from your particular ADC.


Because the output of the GP2D12 is not linear, we need a way to determine what distances correspond
to what voltages. One way of calibrating your sensor is by measuring the voltage output of the GP2D12
at given fixed distances, in centimeters, as shown in the chart below. Once you have this information
you can plug these numbers into the EEPROM DATA statements in the program. The table of data is
used by a routine in the program to calculate the distances, which are then displayed on the Debug
Terminal, along with the voltage output from the sensor.

Voltage V/S distance
General Description

The Sharp GP2D12 is an analog distance sensor that uses infrared to detect an object between 10 cm
and 80 cm away. The GP2D12 provides a non-linear voltage output in relation to the distance an object
is from the sensor and interfaces easily using any analog to digital converter.


The usable range of the GP2D12 is between 10 cm and 80 cm. The readings for objects closer than 10
cm are unstable and therefore not usable.

Interfacing Sharp GP2D12 to Arduino:

  • Analog pin AO


DC geared motor:
They’re cheap, and available in multiple variations of speed and torque. Some even come with gear sets, so you can customize it to best suit your robot. The disadvantage is you have no internal feedback control. That means you have no idea of the speed of the motor.
A word of caution here, the speed mentioned in the motor stats represents what is called the “no-load” speed of the motor. The motor will never run at that speed when you fix a chassis and all your components onto it. Pick a motor with a low voltage rating. This means, just for example, you should pick a 6V motor over a 24V motor. Motors with lower ratings are generally lighter.

A geared DC Motor has a gear assembly attached to the motor. The speed of motor is counted in terms of rotations of the shaft per minute and is termed as RPM .The gear assembly helps in increasing the torque and reducing the speed. Using the correct combination of gears in a gear motor, its speed can be reduced to any desirable figure. This concept where gears reduce the speed of the vehicle but increase its torque is known as gear reduction.  This Insight will explore all the minor and major details that make the gear head and hence the working of geared DC motor.


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