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Line Following Obstacle Avoiding Maze solving Robot part1 (Arduino project)

Line Following Obstacle Avoiding Maze solving Robot part 1

As per the given problem statement,to design, manufacture, assemble, setup program, manage and maintain mechanism, electrical and control system within a mobile robot as well as operate and troubleshoot mobile robot control system, this autonomous robot which should be safe, durable, lightweight and should have proper ground clearance. the robot should achieve three basic operations like LINE FOLLOWING, OBSTACLE AVOIDING, MAZE SLOVING. Because these are the bases to head front and come up with advanced functions, Robot should be very user friendly, So as this is the first attempt to achieve autonomous functions , we are trying at our best .

        The aim of this project is to learn the artificial intelligence fundamentals. Also, robotics fundamentals are seen. We encountered with some difficulties, while we were trying solving the maze with robot. In other words, the paths are line. The color of the lines is black and the ground is white. So, at first, the robot must have an ability to follow the lines. Lines are 4 cm width, off course there will be + and T intersections in the maze. The problem is these intersections in our project. How the robot will behave in these intersections. Robot can select the same way every time, and this can cause the robot cannot find the exit. This was challenge for us. We developed some hardware and some algorithms for this difficulty. In this report, we will explain the operating of the robot, some difficulties that we encountered during the realizing the project. Now, we will explain the operating of the robot.
In this project C programming language is used to program the micro controller. Robot can see the lines with help of 2 sensors. These sensors are simply an IR led and phototransistor. IR led sends light to the ground. If the ground is black the light is absorbed. So the reflected light from ground cannot trigger the photo transistor, and the output of the transistor is 0 when the robot is on the black line. When the robot is on the white, the reflected IR light is enough for trigger the transistor, and the output of transistor is 1 in this condition. According to this information about the sensors, the robot is directed in the ground. The robot can detect the obstacles overcoming using sharp 2DI20x sensors it can also have the encoders QRB sensors to both the wheels to find displacement of the robot and smooth path it can travel along the path by controlling its speed.

Component required 

Mechanical design:

  • 2 wheels of 6 cm diameter
  • 1 castor wheel
  • Acrylic sheet



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